What We Do

  • At-home Respite Care

    “At-home respite care” includes, but not limited to, socializing in your home or yard, playing games, light personal care, bedtime routines, preparing meals and assisting with feeding goals for the individual. The goal is to provide a safe environment while ensuring the client is happy and and well taken care of.

  • Community-based Respite Care

    “Community respite care” aka “community connector” care provides caretaking for the individual outside of the home or yard. Examples include going out to eat, swimming, taking walks, going to the park/playground, visiting museums, after school pick-up and much more.

  • IEP Advocacy

    We specialize in ensuring every child's Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meets their needs. If you're worried about your child's IEP or their school experience, our dedicated team can help. We'll analyze the plan, ensure compliance by monitoring IEP implementation and attending meetings while also advocating for any necessary adjustments. Let us support your child's educational journey.