CES Waiver
The Children's Extensive Support (CES) waiver provides specific targeted services and supports to assist a child with an intellectual and developmental disability to remain in the family home, support the long term stability of the family setting and prevent out-of-home placement of the child. Although the CES waiver provides a variety of services and supports which can be tailored to individual family situations, it is not designed to provide services 24 hours per day to an enrolled child.
All needs of the child are identified through the service planning process; however, not all needs of the child will be supported through this waiver. Through the promotion of individual family choice and the individualized planning process CES services and supports are selected in a cost effective way allowing existing or newly developed natural supports and generic community resources to also support the needs of the child.
CES is a statewide waiver that incorporates the use of the Community Centered Boards, Program Approved Service Agencies and other generic community providers to obtain the necessary services to keep the family together and avoid institutional placement.
SLS Waiver
The Supported Living Services (SLS) waiver provides necessary services and supports for individuals with adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities so they can remain in their homes and communities with minimal impact to individuals' community and social supports.
The SLS waiver promotes individual choice and decision-making through the individualized planning process and the tailoring of services and supports to address prioritized, unmet needs. In addition, this waiver is designed to supplement existing natural supports and traditional community resources with targeted and cost-effective services and supports.